Espacio Joven Ibercaja
The reference place for young people in Aragón
The Espacio Joven Ibercaja offers an innovative and totally up-to-date place where young people can carry out teamwork, training, conferences, workshops, exhibitions, as well as experimenting with virtual reality.
Young people with artistic, creative and/or social concerns, who want to boost their professional and personal development, have this place in the city to discover their vocation.
Share what they are passionate about and connect with other people who also feel the same way, while experimenting with new cultural and artistic trends through various activities. The cultural centre offers tools and disciplines so that they can be inspired and become a more autonomous people, supporting their personal development while building your own path.

Logotype & Graphic Elements
As you can observe, the logo is framed in two "corners" simulating the concept of an open and versatile place.
The chromatic choice of "primaries" is taken from the floors of the place. Each color is used for differentiating the rooms.
One of the characteristics of the cultural center is that it brings together many areas and aspects such as: Music, Art & Culture, Health and well-being, Digital, Reading, Meeting, Competences & skills, Sustainability and Gaming. Therefore I decided to come up with an iconography to represent each of them and thus provide a series of graphic resources to use in the different communication formats. So they can be combined and played with to dynamise all the media.

A clean, versatile, young and scalable brand that differentiates it from other youth offers here in Zaragoza